Our wide range of services consists of specifically arranged group courses, various workshops for the correct and healthy physical and mental workouts for the dog, as well as individual coaching in the event of unstable behavior.
Für jede/n Hundehalter*in ist das Richtige dabei, um mit seinem/ ihrem Hund zusammen an dem aktuellen Thema zu arbeiten. Angehenden Hundehalter*innen bieten wir die Möglichkeit, das richtige Fundament schon vor dem Einzug des Hundes zu erlernen.
Situation analysis / personal consultation
An einem unverbindlichen Privattermin mit Christian Leuthold, dem Gründern von Thimba, erhalten Sie die einzigartige Möglichkeit, von einem ausgewiesenen und erfahrenen Kenner von Hund-Mensch-Beziehungen Ihr Problem kompetent analysieren zu lassen.
This is preferably done in the surroundings that you want: at your home, on your usual walk, in a city or in another location of your choice or where the main problem with your dog occurs. Thimba may also suggest a suitable location which, based on a preliminary assessment, would probably bring the most success to your concerns.
Usually it is advisable to assess the situation in the dog's usual surroundings, if possible to include the most important people who interact with the dog.
Based on this specific analysis, we will assess which further steps are necessary and promising for you and your dog and advise you on further perspectives, learning modules and dates. In this way, unnecessary detours and costs can be avoided and effective steps can be initiated in a targeted manner.
As you can also see from the other areas of this website, Thimba works with a behavior-based approach that proceeds from the nature of the dog, in other words, from its species-specific innate instincts and the needs and abilities that arise from them.Only those who know them and thus learn to read and respect their instinctive behavior can enter into constructive, creative and relaxed communication with them. In doing so, people must be ready to examine their own behavior and, if necessary, to change it. This is the only way to create sustainable human-dog relationships that are based on mutual trust and on which one can relyv And this is the only way to create mutual joy in coexistence with your dog, but also security for him and those around you.
Buchen Sie einen ersten Beratungstermin für die Dauer von 90 Min. Kostenpunkt: Fr. 165.- Fr. (plus je nach Ort, zusätzliche Fahrtkosten)
Situation analysis / personal consultation
At a non-binding private appointment with Christian Leuthold or Désirée Müller, the founders of Thimba, you will have the unique opportunity to have your problem competently analyzed by a proven and experienced expert on dog-human relationships.
This is preferably done in the surroundings that you want: at your home, on your usual walk, in a city or in another location of your choice or where the main problem with your dog occurs. Thimba may also suggest a suitable location which, based on a preliminary assessment, would probably bring the most success to your concerns.
Usually it is advisable to assess the situation in the dog's usual surroundings, if possible to include the most important people who interact with the dog.
Based on this specific analysis, we will assess which further steps are necessary and promising for you and your dog and advise you on further perspectives, learning modules and dates. In this way, unnecessary detours and costs can be avoided and effective steps can be initiated in a targeted manner.
As you can also see from the other areas of this website, Thimba works with a behavior-based approach that proceeds from the nature of the dog, in other words, from its species-specific innate instincts and the needs and abilities that arise from them.Only those who know them and thus learn to read and respect their instinctive behavior can enter into constructive, creative and relaxed communication with them. In doing so, people must be ready to examine their own behavior and, if necessary, to change it. This is the only way to create sustainable human-dog relationships that are based on mutual trust and on which one can relyv And this is the only way to create mutual joy in coexistence with your dog, but also security for him and those around you.
Buchen Sie einen ersten Beratungstermin für die Dauer von 90 Min. Kostenpunkt: Fr. 165.- Fr. (plus je nach Ort, zusätzliche Fahrtkosten)
Individual training / intensive coaching
Analyse und Verständnis unausgeglichenen Verhaltens sind der Schlüssel. Mit einem massgeschneiderten Intensivcoaching legen wir das Fundament für eine ausgeglichene Beziehung.
Kein Hund ist hoffnungslos, solange sein Besitzer bereit ist zu lernen. Unser Coaching deckt alle Rassen und Verhaltensweisen ab und findet dort statt, wo es am sinnvollsten ist – sei es in Ihrem Zuhause, unserem Gelände oder in einem anderen relevanten Umfeld.
Wir nehmen uns einen halben Tag Zeit für Sie und Ihren Hund.
Welpen- und Junghundekurs in Burgdorf – Eine solide Grundlage für Ihren Hund
Wann: Jeden Samstag
Dauer: 90 Minuten
Kosten: SFR 60.- pro Hund
Ort: Burgdorf
Unser Kurs richtet sich speziell an junge Hunde und ihre Besitzer. Ziel des Kurses ist es, eine starke Grundlage für das zukünftige Verhalten Ihres Hundes zu legen. Mit unserer Hilfe können Sie unerwünschtes Verhalten frühzeitig erkennen und verhindern.
Warum ist unser Welpen- uns Junghundekurs wichtig?
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Eine Hundemutter beginnt ab dem ersten Tag mit der Erziehung ihres Welpen. Sie setzt Regeln, zeigt Grenzen auf und leitet ihn ruhig, selbstbewusst und positiv an – durch klare Körpersprache, Ausstrahlung, akustische Signale und sanfte Berührung. Sobald Ihr Welpe seine Mutter verlässt, liegt es an Ihnen, diese wichtige Erziehung fortzuführen. Genau das lernen Sie bei uns im Kurs.
Was erwartet Sie im Kurs?
- Praktische Übungen: Wir zeigen Ihnen, wie Sie Ihren Welpen sicher und liebevoll erziehen können.
- Individuelle Betreuung: Jede Frage wird beantwortet, und jeder Hund wird individuell betreut.
- Leinenführigkeit: Ihr Welpe lernt, entspannt an der Leine zu gehen und auf Ihre Signale zu achten.
- Beruhigung in überreizten Situationen: Techniken, um Ihren Welpen zu beruhigen und ihm Sicherheit zu geben.
- Alleinbleiben: Übungen, um Ihrem Welpen beizubringen, auch mal alleine zu bleiben, ohne gestresst zu sein.
- Stadttraining: Gewöhnung an städtische Umgebungen, um Ihrem Welpen Sicherheit in verschiedenen Situationen zu geben.
- Sozialisation mit Ponys und Pferden: Ihr Welpe lernt, sich ruhig und respektvoll gegenüber Ponys zu verhalten, um ihn auch auf Begegnungen mit größeren Tieren vorzubereiten.
- Interaktion mit älteren, stabilen Hunden: Ihr Welpe kann von erfahrenen, gut sozialisierten Hunden lernen und erhält wertvolle Lektionen im sozialen Verhalten.
Melden Sie sich noch heute an und legen Sie den Grundstein für eine harmonische und glückliche Zukunft mit Ihrem Hund.
Social behavior
In the group course "Social" we are supported by our own pack, currently consisting of seven dogs. Together with their skills and our knowledge, we offer our customers and their dogs a unique surrounding in which the dog owners can work together with their dogs on their social skills.
The knowledge learned by the dog owner and the implementation in practice can be checked and improved by us immediately on the spot. Dog and owner are supported and encouraged in their progress. In addition, there is an intense deepening of the relationship between dog owner and dog.
On Board Training
On-board training means stationary training (for a longer period of time) in the Thimba area. This can be useful for socializing, as well as rehabilitation of dogs. What are the possible reasons for this type of training:
- Lack of time to work intensively with the dog on his necessary topic.
- Negative fixation of the dog on the owner and therefore an aggravating situation for the first progress in the stabilization process.
- Extreme misbehavior of the dog, which requires a lot of experience in order to achieve goal-oriented progress.
We firmly believe that every dog deserves a second chance.
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So every dog is welcome with us, no matter what breed, what size and regardless of its past.
Depending on the dog and the situation, we will work for weeks or months on on spot, which means that in a suitable enviroment we will work specifically with the dog on its existing behavioral problems. Even with this type of training, the dog owner is of course included in the process and receives the necessary knowledge and experience that is needed to be able to offer the dog the necessary stable environment after the on-board training.
So we take over a large part of the most difficult way for you in order to stabilize your dog. We have already resocialized many dogs. Dogs recommended for killing and dogs that other trainers, veterinarians and behavioral therapists have classified as “not trainable”. We are firmly convinced that with the right knowledge and the necessary patience, every dog can be led back into a natural behavior according to its natural being.